Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Happy Dreaming

FEAR a small word with so hulking effect on our brains.. We don’t know what is going to happen so why not give our dreams a life and give them a chance to rise, breath and flourish. Once I was sketching something. My husband saw it and advised me to put some extra effort and learn this art properly. Perhaps i can get a bit more proficient in this area.I took it just as a compliment and went back to work; neglecting the fact that once I had that kind of passion for painting and sketching.
Pleschinger Lake, Linz

It was nothing but the fear to lose time, fear to risk it all and it was fear of being left out in the air-stream of life. Now I fear I have already lost my passion. Sometimes it takes too long to figure out what we actually want. Over that if we encounter fear of certain things, it makes the vision even more blurred.

Life just meanders along. I realized that if we do what 'fear' wants us to; then we will miss out the affairs and people that always mattered to us.Like breathing we should never stop dreaming. Why not give ourselves a chance to try out new things.
           I remember the time when 2012 was about to arrive. There was this suspicious wave everywhere that whether we could see the new year or not. Mayan calendar and scientists disapproved again and again the continuation of life on earth. But wiser was the Disaster movie maven Roland Emmerich and Columbia pictures who made the movie and the money.

Anyways, now a days I am reminding myself that I am not that old to set another goal or dream a new dream.{courtesy: C.S. lewis}
So happy dreaming, but don’t forget to chase them.


Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Smile please

Like all this 21st century, new crowd, I too have developed this reflex action or say a typical habit to wake up in the morning, catch my phone and check what’s going on in the world. WHAT No!! Actually, it’s what’s going on in the FB world how many unread messages is there in Whatsapp, Is little Tweety has tweeted something?

And here it comes again a real cute picture of my classmate that looks awesome as her ‘somebody’ clicked some random pics and posted it on Facebook. Damn, what was I doing when all such guys were being registered from ‘Nobody’ to ‘somebody’s somebody’?


All I got is an annoying younger brother who told me every time I asked him to snap a picture of me “Shakal dekhi hai aayine me” (Have you ever seen your face in the mirror). And I was like leave it.


And now even annoying husband whose hands shake whenever he takes my pics, it’s only the 5th time or 6th may be when he eventually gets it right. Till then my smiling face vanishes and it turns into something that X-Men series producers have picked me for ‘She-Wolverine’. I mean, come on man he clicks lovely photographs of our son but when it comes to me…. I can see a strange fear emerging I his eyes. Why is that? Am I Scary?? I think No, because if it would have been the case, why in the first place he would marry me? I asked him several times, but what I received elongated phase of silence followed by a smile and a statement “Baby I think we should but a new camera”.

Anyways, I believe some people are not as lucky to have an annoying younger brother, a scared husband or a dependable camera.


Monday, 7 April 2014

A day in Park

Yesterday I met a lady Aleena and her daughter Ada in the park. My day in Austria never goes by without going to park. My one and half year old kid loves being here. In fact now I also enjoy this part of the daily routine. Aleena was a pretty Romanian lady with Spanish husband. She is an English teacher.

In the past 6 months of staying in Austria I had kind of given up on talking to people because in the course of self learning German phase. I thought I would be better not talking to people at all. I know it’s stupid but believe me I tried a lot but failed. Oh common on ‘sorry’ is so simple in English but here in Austria they say ‘enchuldigen’. Anyway by far now I know ‘Thank you’ is ‘Danke’; one is ‘EIN’ in fact I know one to ten in German. Wow it feels like I am back in the nursery again but that’s not enough for a satisfactory conversation with someone. Meanwhile I exchange smiles.

Suddenly I heard a voice “Are you Indian”. I was like “YAA” with very strange expressions on my face because who the hell was interested in knowing my nationality. I turned towards this beautiful lady and went on .We talked for really a long time and believe as a girl I was in such a relief, discussing about baby and stuff, fashion and so on. We also went on discussing about culture out here and way back home. It was amazing to find someone so amicable.

Today I am in the park with lots of moms, lots of kids, some people with their poodles really quite a variety. As it's spring here so you can find beautiful flowers, leaves back on the trees, dim but consistent sunlight, many pigeons and even more people feeding them. But what I was really looking for was Aleena. I waited for too long and don’t think she will come today.

 I packed my things took my baby and started my walk back to home. In my head I was explaining myself that it was a nice experience yesterday and never mind we will meet someday. Suddenly, like a genie appeared ‘Joy’, a Philipino girl whom I met some months back in the same park. And believe me she was all jabber Jabber jabber . I was there for a long time listening to her holiday experience, new clothes and accessories she bought from the Philippines; they are building a house back in the country and whatnot. I cannot forget that approx. 61 pesos makes a Euro and so on. Now I even know for how much peso you can have really a good pedicure for yourself in the Philippines.
I don’t know why but suddenly I started missing my solitude and wanted it more 
than anything.